Wednesday, November 19, 2008

One of those days...

I know - we all have them...

~The alarm did not go off this morning so I woke up late...
~I stubbed my toe as I got out of the shower (because I was running late)...
~I ran out of toothpaste...
~I forgot to take my dress pants out of the washer last night...
~I gave all my cash to the kids for lunch, tickets to the playoff game, tshirts for the playoff game, leaving me none for lunch and no time to pack one...
~Was almost late to work...
~Felt completely overwhelmed with thinking about getting Aaron to hunting trying to make sure he has everything he needs, remembering all I needed to pack for Brit and I to go to Kimberly's final game at state tomorrow, wondering if they would find a temp for me to be able to take off work tomorrow, thinking about the recycling and the leaves to rake and shovels that I need to buy before it snows...
~Felt sorry for myself that there was no "significant other" to wake me up on time (or even care that I was late), to help with the packing and the raking and the shovel buying...
~Realized that I forgot my work laptop at home, once I got to work, almost late...
~Tried to transfer the load of clothes (with my dress pants)when I ran back home to get my laptop. BUT my awesome, new, red, "Jetsons" washing machine only blinked DOOR LOCKED over and over - IT REFUSED to give up my wet clothes.
~Had a few messes to clean up at work (of course, work could not even go smoothly right?)...
~The printer broke trying to print nametags for a last minute project...

Fortunately, a co-worked offered to buy lunch and we ordered chinese (OK, maybe it isn't SO bad to be out of $$) and guess what my fortune was?

"You have so much to be thankful for" - ir doesn't get more simple than that...

Puts it all in perspective, doesn't it? This day too shall pass!! Hoping that all the bad stuff happens in one day and glad that tomorrow will be a new one!!


  1. hhhmmmmm so very thought provoking! i've been trying, no, i mean, REALLY trying to have that "attitude of gratitude" and sometimes it is SO HARD - especially for me when it is hunting season, and rick is on VACATION for 2 WHOLE weeks (when is MY vacation??), everyone at work forgot my birthday (pity party) :( , i worry about where to get the $$ for christmas, and then WHAT to get for people . . . blah, blah, blah . . . i, too have SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR - one of which is re-connecting with "old" friends (i mean that as in the "good 'ole days" not as in OLD like we are getting "OLD" cuz we're NOT!!) :) . . . it's so much easier to focus on what's NOT right than what IS right - and usually the right far outweighs the bad doesn't it - sometimes it's just harder to find! :) thanks for being honest! luv ya and have a good weekend with brit! :)

  2. Awww... happy birthday my friend - consider yourself hugged {{hugs}}! What is the date? I am sorry that I did not remember either - must be my early alzheimers. :) Come vacation with me!! Seriously - take a road trip and we can scrapbook and shop and hot tub and just catch up! Usually every other weekend my kids are with their dad so we can just have "girl" time... think about it and let me know if it works for you!! luv ya
