Friday, December 24, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My grown up Christmas wish/prayer...

last year, in November, my world fell apart...
when brittany had to go to jail...
i had many "BIG" wishes/prayers
that she would do what she had to...
face what she needed to face...
learn from her mistakes...
and make a new life - one that would not involve being in that place on a holiday again.

but my selfish "little" wish/prayer was...
to have her HOME for Christmas...

she has had a great year and has made great strides and I am so proud of her...
i got that "BIG" wish/prayer answered.
and unbelievably, she was released on Christmas morning at 5:30 am...
i got my "little" but "HUGE" oh so important wish/prayer too.
my baby girl in my arms...
last Christmas.

this year, in November, again my world fell apart...
this time... it was my dad.

and i have had so many "BIG" wishes/prayers almost constantly...
that the doctors would find out what was making him so sick...
that he would celebrate his 75th birthday with us...
that my he would make it off the ventilator...
that he would survive the chest tubes and surgeries and treatments...
that his lungs would heal and he would be able to make it without oxygen one day...

my one selfish "little" wish/prayer was that my dad just might be able to be home for Christmas...
today I got that "little" but "HUGE" wish/prayer answered...
my dad is coming "HOME" today...
just in time for Christmas...

we can't hug him...
because of his treatment...
but we can sure welcome him home with open arms...
and huge smiles... from ear to ear!!

i cannot IMAGINE how he will feel!! But i know how good I will feel!

"HOME" - what a wonderful word!
SO thankful for answered wishes and prayers - BIG and small but oh so HUGE!

Monday, December 20, 2010

What an answer to prayer...

We are anxiously awaiting discharge details from the docs!!!
i can't believe it...
dad is doing SO good...
he is up walking...
there are times he is without any oxygen at all...
even WHILE walking!!!

It is so shocking to see such a difference...
part of me finds it so hard to believe that he was as sick as he was and now this...
i really never tried being pessimistic - just realistic...
this is such an answer to every prayer i prayed for every wish in my heart!!!

but i also prayed that god's will be done...
no matter what it was... so had to accept that just because I wanted it so bad - it did not make it right or god's way...

Just like so much of life...
but this time... i got my answer to my prayers...
any many other peoples prayers...
i really really think he will be home by christmas!!!
what an AWESOME AWESOME gift!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


we just got an early Christmas present!


for the first time in a month, Dad was able to get into a wheelchair yesterday and Mom took him on a little stroll... out of ICU and through the beautiful indoor Healing Garden on his floor at the hospital!
i had tears in my eye's as I envisioned the two of them...

the doctors all walked in his room yesterday with big smiles on their faces and have made the decision today to transfer him to a regular room - hallelujah!
I just can't seem to stop smiling today!


he is still very weak and struggling to fight the disease every day but what an answer to many people's prayers!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A good update!!!

things are looking up... Ü

dad has made some definite improvements!!!

his breathing is less labored...
his oxygen is at half of what it was...
he has been sitting up in a chair...
he is working very hard at rehab...
the docs are hinting at a possible move to a regular room???

part of me is very cautious as we have been here before...
he truly is looking and acting better...
he is amazing the nursing staff...

my dad is a fighter!!!
and he has a lot of great people in his court rooting him on!
thank you all~