Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Work can be FUN!

It was a super weekend - we had our family reunion on my mom's side and it was great to see our cousins that we sometimes only get to see once a year. (Brit was supposed to come but ended up having to work).

THEN - we headed to the cabin...

I was thrilled as I have only been there a couple times this year...

Aaron is ALWAYS!!!!!!! thrilled to be at the cabin.

We had some great visits, a little relaxing (I zonked on the couch with everyone in the room - that never happens), some fun and games and ofcourse a campfire!

On Sunday...
Bruce was giving Lisa and I crap because we were "relaxing" and the bridge area needed to be weeded...
First we tried to say it didn't "need" weeding... (which it really did - in fact more like an overhaul)

We finally agreed to "weed" under protest...

THEN weeding turned into digging out the HUGE rock that I "fell down and broke my crown on" ...
ie: now known as the $3800 rock (what my hospital bill cost for my concussion!) It is now place of honor... in the middle of the hosta ring so no one else can fall on it.

THEN Lisa and I decided that the bridge was a hazard and needed to be taken down...
Bruce wasn't so sure... we convinced him and it headed to the fire pit.

THEN Lisa and I wanted a flat rock walkway where the bridge was...
Bruce wasn't so sure - he said there weren't going to be enough flat rocks...

THEN we said sure there are and kept digging out more...
we had plenty!! HA! Looks great!

THEN Bruce was gonna pull ONE clump of brush on one side of the outhouse by the roots...
BUT Dad decided that the scraggy tree next to it needed to go also...

THEN Lisa and I decided that ONE big bush needed to go on the OTHER side because the forest was taking over...
it looked so much brighter with it gone...
THEN mom got in the picture... she said we should clear more so we could see the rock...

I think you get the big picture...
The result? The "camo-flage" pile of brush and trees on the jeep!!

Anyway by the time we moved to the clump on the other side of the outhouse - my tummy was rumbling and I thought it must be 11:30.

I was shocked to find out it was 1:30 and we needed to fly to get Aaron back to work.

I wonder if Bruce will just let us girls relax next time???

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The 3 musketeers

The three musketeers...
these three get along SO good it is unreal!!
They had a blast like always...

jumping at the pier...

sleeping in the camper...
just spending good cousin time...

playing with Gabby...

eating strawberry shortcake...

painting my trucks bumpers and rims black...

going 4 wheeling with my pickup through the woods...

(a-hem: my brake line had to be replaced and my muffler fell off!)

Bruce and Dad had the brake line fixed for me there thankfully

but it was a noisy ride back to Kimberly!!

But mostly...

they dirt biked!

How fun!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Man cave...

Aaron is up at Bruce's so I e-mailed this morning to see how things were going. This is too cute and I had to post part of an e-mail from him back...

"Last night was man cave night! Cody's friend Luke (dirt biker) slept over also, so the 4 of them (Aaron, Cody, Hunter and Luke) were on truck seats, etc. sitting in the garage looking at their dirt bikes until 11:30 pm.
They all wanted to sleep in the garage, but crabby Uncle Bruce made them opt for the camper instead. It was funny tho, I made Lisa go out and look. I swear they all would have curled up and slept on their dirt bike's, if there was any way to do it."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

OK... ok... finally time to get a little caught up...

June 8, 2009

Notice something missing???


Hard to believe...

Aaron got his braces off !!


after almost 6 years...
but his smile is AWESOME!
(and worth every penny!)

Let's see... what have we been doing?
working hard at our new jobs and really liking them...
barbecuing with friends...
boating when lucky enough to be invited...
just being outside and enjoying the sun when it is out...
(Figured I'd throw this in here for fun)
me on the surfboard simulator...
at our work Technology expo...
working hard... Ü
(I did pretty good actually...)
and doing lots of "guy" stuff with Aaron this summer like...
the races on Thursday nights...
spending time in water parks and the dells...
(thankfully no swimsuit pictures to post from the water park!)
going to Culvers...
a lot!!
go carting in Wisconsin Dells...
and Appleton...
a ton...
AND hey!!!
I got this great picture of Aaron zooming around the track...

(Honestly, it was the best one of them all - LOL!)

And lastly...

(and Aaron will tell you - most importantly)

We bought a dirtbike!

After nearly bugging me to death...

and having the neighbors gang up on me...

Yepper - number 15!!!

(so cool to match his age hey?)

A 1997 Kawasaki 125cc

And he is loving it!

He has been smiling ear to ear... non-stop...

we have had the fenders and number plate professionally painted...

he has "pimped" it up and we are having special decals made...

he got to take it "dirt tracking" on Sunday...

(remember we live in the city so we have to find places to ride)...

BUT tomorrow...

it gets loaded on the little pickup and he and the bike...

are making a trip to Marinette...

with Uncle Bruce and Aunt Lisa, Cody and Hunter until Sunday.

(They have dirt bikes too and miles of land!!)

Happy and SAFE trails Aaron!!

(Mom's actually glad she finally gave in!)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A friend from grades school has been diagnosed with 4th stage cancer with no option for chemo or radiation...
She is my age... scary...


Be in the moment. Enjoy THIS day. Hug a little tighter; share a smile with someone around you. Give yourself permission to let something else go and make a memory you'll cherish for a lifetime. Even if it means staying up past bedtime and going a little over the top to make the memory extra special. How sad that sometimes it takes a tragedy for us to all see the gift of what we already have.
I have learned the significance of now.
SO... do something 'special' just because YOU can, to celebrate the simple and ordinary moments we have with one another.

Happy safe and fun filled 4th of July!

I snuck this from a fellow blogger - it was too good not to pass on!