Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hunting season is upon us...

I truly believe that Aaron has developed ADHD! Fortunately, it is a temporary condition for him - it stands for "All Dedicated Hunters Disease"... I don't know how this develops or why (as I do not get the whole hunting thing) but he has every symptom.
~ He talks non stop about hunting camp
~ He bugs me daily (OK really, ten times a day) to get his hunting license
~ He obsesses with the food (and the amount of food) that will be available "up nort"
~ He bounces off the walls, drums on contertops and prances around in anticipation of "Opening Day"
~ He has fulfilled every requirement and the necessary grades to allow him to spend a week with "the guys" and grandpa
~ He cannot wait to "bring home the big one" and "feed the family" from his first deer.
All kidding aside - it has been fun to watch him be so excited about something! Hunting for his first time, IS a HUGE deal! The fact that he will enjoy some great male family bonding is just a bonus that he appreciates and looks forward to almost as much. (Let's face it, being the only male in the household HAS to get old at times)
Unfortunately you cannot see the ear to ear smile on his face as he signed his hunting license but as his mom - I enjoyed every moment!! Good luck Aaron!


    you'll be right around the corner from us (well, almost - much closer than home is at least!)
    looking forward to pictures of the BIG ONE here when you get him! :)

  2. Have fun Aaron! Are there cameras allowed at hunting camp?? Seems like I've heard..."what happens at deer camp, stays at deer camp"...somwhere before :) Good luck and give all those guys a big hug from us!
