Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I am OK...

Thank you to all of you that have shown concern...
and wondered where I have been...
You know me well...
when I am quiet - there is trouble...

There have been some rough storms... I am extremely frustrated... I feel betrayed and used...
I have some very tough decisions to make... alone...
I have felt so alone...

Through a friends, friends blog - I stumbled on this...

"The narrow road is extremely narrow by design. Those who travel it must by necessity travel light. There is no room for hatred, malice, pride, greed, prejudice, injustice, or selfishness on the narrow road. It leads to the throne of the Almighty God Himself, and He is only interested in the travelers, not their baggage (I love that part).

Life along the narrow road is not perfect, because perfect people don't travel there. It is possible to break down on the narrow road too, to be hurt or to be abused. Sickness and pain are not uncommon - and neither is sin. But the difference in the two roads (the narrow vs. the broad) is this: You are never alone on the narrow road. Never. God is not on the broad road, but He is your constant companion, through the Holy Spirit, on the narrow one."

I know there is a plan...
just hard to imagine that is possible today...

1 comment:

  1. please drop me an e-mail or a text - love you ♥ and am praying ♥
