Bruce was giving Lisa and I crap because we were "relaxing" and the bridge area needed to be weeded...
First we tried to say it didn't "need" weeding... (which it really did - in fact more like an overhaul)
THEN weeding turned into digging out the HUGE rock that I "fell down and broke my crown on" ...
ie: now known as the $3800 rock (what my hospital bill cost for my concussion!) It is now place of honor... in the middle of the hosta ring so no one else can fall on it.
THEN Lisa and I decided that the bridge was a hazard and needed to be taken down...
Bruce wasn't so sure... we convinced him and it headed to the fire pit.
THEN Lisa and I wanted a flat rock walkway where the bridge was...
Bruce wasn't so sure - he said there weren't going to be enough flat rocks...
THEN we said sure there are and kept digging out more...
we had plenty!! HA! Looks great!
THEN Bruce was gonna pull ONE clump of brush on one side of the outhouse by the roots...
BUT Dad decided that the scraggy tree next to it needed to go also...
THEN Lisa and I decided that ONE big bush needed to go on the OTHER side because the forest was taking over...
it looked so much brighter with it gone...
THEN mom got in the picture... she said we should clear more so we could see the rock...
I think you get the big picture...
The result? The "camo-flage" pile of brush and trees on the jeep!!
Anyway by the time we moved to the clump on the other side of the outhouse - my tummy was rumbling and I thought it must be 11:30.